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Polyamory is becoming more and more fashionable. Polyamory means that you can fall in love with one or more people at the same time. In many cases, sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. There is more and more visibility of polyamorous relationships. It is for this reason that in Polyamory Games you will find hundreds of thousands of people like you. And all of us look for help. Many people say that polyamory is about cheating. This is not true. Polyamory is a way of living that is based on equality and on the principle that each person has the right to decide for him/herself the number and type of relationships with others. The great thing about polyamory is that it gives you the opportunity to choose who to love and to love them back. This is a basic human right and every human should have the right to choose. It's only natural. So, polyamory is about consensual non-monogamy and this gives you the right to fall in love with more than one person at a time. This means that you can have multiple relationships and they don’t have to involve sex or sharing your life. Polyamory: This is something that has never been done in real life before and you are invited to discover this for yourself. You are part of a growing movement that is creating a safe environment for people to explore different ways to live their lives and create a bond with others. This is for you the chance to meet hundreds of thousands of people who look for help in all walks of life. This is for you the chance to become part of a movement that is bringing a new vision to relationships. Do not hesitate and register at Polyamory Games. The largest polyamory dating portal in the world. ""Do not chase after love, because love will go running after you"" -William Shakespeare This is about love.